Meet the Team
Mr Forteath – Assistant Principal/Head of School
As Head of Motivation School, I am responsible for the welfare both academically and pastorally for the all of the students in my school. I work closely with other staff to ensure that challenging academic targets are set and regularly monitored to ensure that they are achieved. I monitor and regularly review the attendance, punctuality and behaviour in our small school and, alongside Mrs Holmes, ensure that the necessary interventions are put in place as and when they are needed. I passionately believe that every student in my school has a talent for something which, given the right opportunities, can be expressed and developed. Each week we publicly celebrate the successes of our small school through our weekly assembly so that all of our students have an opportunity to be recognised and rewarded for what they have achieved.
Mrs Holmes – Pastoral Leader
As Pastoral Leader for Motivation School I work closely with Mr. Forteath and our team of form Tutors, to ensure you that all students enjoy, achieve and remain safe while attending the Academy.
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Upcoming Events
Year 8 Girls Immunisations
Year 8 girls HPV immunisations
5 May 2015
Year 10 Parents Evening
Year 10 Parents Evening
4 pm - 6 pm 20 May 2015
Early Transition Evening
Year 6 parents and students
4 pm - 6 pm 24 June 2015
Year 7 Uniform Collection Day
New Year 7 students can collect their uniform orders from the Academy
Friday 21 August from 10.00 am until 2.30 pm