2011/2012 Priorities
The Senior Leadership Team at Freebrough Academy have identified the following priorities for the academy for the academic year 2011 – 2012
Priority 1
To improve the quality of learning and teaching across the academy, with a sharper focus on the development of students’ literacy skills
Priority 2
To continue to improve the quality of leadership at senior, middle and student level
Priority 3
To improve levels of attainment with a specific focus on Maths and English and in narrowing the gap between co-horts of students – with a particular emphasis on students with SEN, G & T students, students in receipt of FSM and boys
Priority 4
To continue to improve the quality of behaviour for learning, reducing the levels of permanent and fixed-term exclusions and improving the quality of behaviour in social and outdoor spaces
Priority 5
To continue to improve the levels of attendance and reduce % of PA students
Priority 6
To establish the Post 16 provision for the academy in relation to the curriculum and the building
Priority 7
To improve the engagement of parents and the local community in the life of the Academy with a particular emphasis on those parents who find it difficult to engage with the Academy
Priority 8
To further embed the new specialism of Business and Enterprise both within the curriculum and in the ethos of the Academy
Linden Road, Brotton,
TS12 2SJ
Tel: 01287 676 305
Fax: 01287 677 814