Reading Age improvements go through the roof!
Recent reading tests at the Academy have revealed that an outstanding 65% of Freebrough students have improved their reading age by at least a year, and in some cases up to four years, in a time period of just six months!
Lynne Athey, Deputy Principal, explains why reading ages are so important: “Evidence shows that when students have a reading age which matches or exceeds their actual age they make better progress academically. We use a variety of methods to encourage our students to read regularly, including the Accelerated Reading package which allows students to test their understanding of what they have read by taking an online quiz. We are delighted with the improvements we have seen during this round of testing – a 65% improvement really is fantastic and is almost double the improvement seen at the last test.”
Of course, making progress at school is just one reason why being able to read well is important. Students can broaden their understanding of the world we live in and escape to limitless other times and places through a love of literature. Year 7 student, Holly Winspear, explains what reading means to her: “Being able to read well improves your grades but you can also escape to your very own world. It can make you think about what you believe and helps you to develop an imagination. It isn’t like TV; you have to make up images in your mind.”
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