A note to parents:

All students take part in double PE lessons.  The Sport and Health faculty recommend that students come prepared for warm weather by bringing sun lotion, a sun hat and a drink to school on the days that they have PE.

In cold weather we would ask that all students are properly prepared for outdoor PE lessons with correct PE kit, which can all be purchased from the Academy. This includes Academy PE hoodies/games tops, blue shorts, blue tracksuit bottoms and blue football socks.  Footwear must be appropriate (no plimsolls).  Training shoes for indoor PE lessons/netball and football boots for rugby and football lessons.

If students are dressed appropriately for the weather they will remain comfortable and enjoy their PE session. We appreciate parental support in this matter.

Please click on the booklet below to find out more about the Key Stage 3 curriculum: Key Stage 3 Physical Education


What happens if the following occurs ?

I forget my kit or bring the wrong kit?
If pupils forget kit or bring the wrong kit they will be given kit to wear from the PE Office.
If pupils persistently forget kit they will follow the PE detention system before being referred to their Head of School.If need be parents will be contacted by PE staff.
I have an injury or illness that means I cannot take full part in a lesson?
All pupils who have an injury or illness must have a note from a parent or guardian. Alongside their note we ask that they bring PE kit and get changed as normal. Students will be given a suitable role to carry out in the lesson such as refereeing, scoring, coaching, timing, equipment management etc. This means they still have an understanding of the activities that are taking place,but will not be physically involved thus ensuring they do not worsen injuries or illness.
If a child has a doctors note and cannot participate at all we will find alternative work for the student to do until they are fit enough to come back to PE.
If pupils are asthmatic it is unlikely they will need to be excused from lessons, as they should always have an inhaler with them, and be able to use it correctly at the beginning and if necessary during the lesson.
No jewellery is to be worn during lessons this includes earrings and belly button bars. Staff cannot take responsibility for looking after any valuables.
If pupils have new piercings during term time they will be required to remove them or cover them with their own plasters.

Activities offered in curriculum time

These include: netball, hockey, rugby, football, basketball, gymnastics, trampoline, health-related fitness, dance, badminton, volleyball, rounders, tennis, cricket, ultimate frisbee, rocket ball, athletics.


Out-of Hours Learning

These include: netball, rugby, football, dance, rounders, cheerleading, trampolining, tennis, cricket, athletics, cross-country, Duke of Edinburgh, and many more.

Please click here to view the current PE extra curricular activities on offer.


Implementation of Policy

The Physical Activity Policy supports the Every Child Matters agenda, with particular reference to being healthy and enjoying and achieving. It ensures that staff and students at Freebrough Academy are aware of the importance of physical activity in maintaining the health and well-being of the community.


The Faculty for Sport and Health is responsible for all aspects of Physical Education in school.

Tutors are responsible for supporting and helping to co-ordinate tutor group sports activities such as sports day and small school sports.

All staff are responsible for supporting the school Physical Activity policy and for reinforcing positive messages about physical activity.

Students are responsible for ensuring they have the correct kit for all PE activities; for taking an active and enthusiastic part in PE lessons and extra curricular activities and for supporting the achievements of others.

Parents can contribute to and support the physical activity by contributing to the extra curricular programme, by ensuring their children are prepared for PE lessons and extra curricular activities and by supporting their children in after school clubs or teams.