A Message from the Principal
At Freebrough Academy we are committed to developing and delivering a high quality offer to young people in our Enterprise@Freebrough Post 16 Provision. This is a new provision based in East Cleveland, in a state of the art, newly built Enterprise Centre.
Enterprise@Freebrough offers a focused range of courses for 100 students, centred on our specialisms of business and enterprise and engineering with a focus on the key areas of growth in the Tees Valley over the next 10 to 15 years. Our status as a Regional Hub for the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy drives our curriculum offer and the opportunities available to our students and our partner organisations.
The new Enterprise Centre is central to delivering a high quality education to young people through the creation of a business environment; a place for ‘incubating’ young entrepreneurs in a facility that has a professional, business like feel. The environment at Enterprise@Freebrough instils in students the importance of having the skills, attitudes and approaches required to be successful in the everchanging world of work. Our network of partnerships with our sponsors, colleges and work-related learning providers delivers curriculum choices and personalises learning pathways, as well as providing distinctive and innovative learning experiences.
We are confident that we are at the beginning of an exciting journey in our vision to offer unique experiences and opportunities that will result in successful outcomes for young people at level two and three.
We hope that this prospectus will give you a flavour of our work and encourage
you to find out more.
Linda Halbert
Principal, Freebrough Academy
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide a high quality and innovative Post 16 provision by offering a varied and personalised curriculum to suit the needs of each individual student.
To achieve this we will encourage your professional creativity by… [more]
Our Facilities
In December 2012 our new state of the art Enterprise Centre opened its doors. The new building physically stands alone from the main Academy building but is linked through curriculum, staffing and ethos.
The centre is equipped with superb ICT facilities including industry standard equipments to provide a realistic work environment as well as powerful workstations, iPads and netbooks.
Upcoming Events
Year 10 Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio catch-ups
Tuesday 18 March 2014
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RT @MFCFoundation: PL challenge good luck to Freebrough Academy at Sunderland FC today #twe12thman Time ago 3 Days via Twitter
- Well done to Freebrough Academy staff & students - 100% achieve grade C or above in English #RT #retweet #proud t.co/DqPVXUzfcW Time ago 9 Days via Twitter
- For those who missed the first episode of Freebrough TV, here's the link - t.co/l1djsYsXnC Enjoy! Time ago 16 Days via Twitter
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