Academy Priorities

It is our ambition to be an Outstanding Academy.

This will ensure that we secure outstanding provision and outcomes for all of our students.

Our Priorities 2015-2018 to achieve this:

Effectiveness of Leadership and Management
• To further develop Post 16 provision so that it is judged as good or better
• To ensure all learners make good or better progress through the provision of quality first teaching, accurate assessment and appropriate curriculum routes
• To ensure effective internal and external governance to secure outstanding outcomes

Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment
• To provide a range of development opportunities especially in assessment for the quality of teaching to be maintained as consistently good or better
• To develop the Learner Effectiveness Enhancement Programme (LEEP) programme to support us to further embed the Teacher Effectiveness Enhancement Programme (TEEP)

Outcomes for Pupils
• To improve attainment for all learners in all subjects with a particular focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) so that achievement exceeds national levels
• To close the attainment gaps for groups of pupils at all key stages. To include: disadvantaged, middle attainers at KS2, boys and SEND pupils

• To improve attendance and reduce Persistent Absence (PA) to be better than national levels
• To reduce fixed-term exclusions by effectively tackling any low-level disruption
