Student Leadership Team

Meet the team…

Academy Council


We are very proud of our Academy Council at Freebrough Academy.  Run by our team of 10 Head Boys and Girls, and supported by our Student Directors of Learning, our Academy Council has a key role to play in supporting the staff and students in a number of ways.

The council aims to:

•  Encourage students, teachers and all other members of staff to work together for the benefit of the whole school community.

•  Allow every member of the school community to have their say in the development of the school.

The council aims to achieve:

•  The best learning and working environment for students and adults alike.

•  The promotion of democracy within the school community.

•  The setting of a good example of citizenship both within the school and the borough.

•  Active development for the whole school community.

How do we do this?

The Academy Council organise and run meetings every half term with our Small School Councils (groups of between 10 – 20 students from years 7 to 11), and then communicate the issues raised to the relevant members of staff.  By working in this way, we are able to provide an effective student voice and we have real influence over how decisions are made.

We have our own interview board and enjoy interviewing candidates for teaching roles within the Academy, sharing our views with Mrs Halbert, the Principal.

This year, our main aims are to:

•  Support staff in developing the LEEP programme to further embed TEEP.

•  Support staff in tackling low level disruption.

•  Continue to act as the link between staff and students, communicating any issues and working together to continuously improve.

Latest Information
The Small School Councils have all met this week and have begun planning some projects:

  1. Informing the school as a whole about Modesto, the boy we sponsor in Peru through Plan UK. Students are going to work together to plan a presentation for an assembly.
  2. We are working with Mrs Newton on developing the Student Leadership Team base, and the students have come up with all sorts of wonderful ideas on what they would like to see in the room.
  3. We have had group discussions about what it means to be part of the student leadership team, and have created paper chains to showcase our ideas.