Transition From Primary School to Freebrough

Moving On – From Primary School to Freebrough Academy

Freebrough Academy

Making the transition from primary to secondary education can seem a daunting prospect for many young people.  At Freebrough Academy we aim to support students every step of the way. We work closely with our primary schools to ensure that students have the opportunity to take part in events at the Academy throughout key stage 2.  We also provide expert teaching, which can be delivered in the primary school itself, to support the delivery of specialist subjects.




Early Transition from Primary School to Freebrough Academy

By integrating the Year 6 students into the Academy at the end of the summer term rather than the start of the autumn we aim to enable students to:

– Become familiar with the building

– Get to know their teachers and tutor groups

– Make new friends

– Understand our expectations and rules

– Overcome any anxiety they may feel about coming to the academy

– Make an effective start in September to ensure maximum progression

During early transition students will take part in a variety of activities but will also follow their year 7 timetable and will, therefore, get a flavour of their subjects.



Frequently Asked Questions

The following questions have been sent in by students from local primary schools.  If you have a question which is not answered below please feel free to send it to us.  You can get in touch through our ‘ask a question or contact us’ page.

 Q: How many classes will I have each day?


A: Our School day looks like this:


Lesson 1 – 8.35 am

Lesson 2 – 9.35 am

Tutorial – 10.35am

Break time – 11 am

Lesson 3 – 11.15 am

Lunch time – 12.15 pm

Lesson 4 – 12.45 pm

Lesson 5 – 1.45 pm

Home time – 2.45 pm

Lesson 6/ after school clubs 2.45 pm – 3.45 pm


Q: Why do we have tutorial?


A: You have a tutorial session at 10.35 am each day.  We use this time to:


-Monitor your attendance, punctuality and attitude to learning

-Take part in group activities and discussions

-Attend a weekly assembly with the rest of your small school


Q: What sort of lessons are there?


A: You will take part in a range of lessons including:




-Humanities (history, geography, RE)

-Business and Enterprise

-Modern Foreign Languages

-Performing and Creative Arts (dance, drama and art)

-Sport and Health (PE)

-DICE (food technology, ICT, resistant materials, textiles)


Our teachers work hard to make sure that your lessons are exciting and fun.  We also like to give you opportunities to take part in trips, activities outside the classroom and tutor group challenges so that your learning is never boring.



Q: How big is the Academy?


A: The Academy has enough space for 1000 students in the main building and 100 older students in the Post16@Freebrough building.  Although this sounds big please don’t worry about getting lost.  The room numbers are very clear and the rooms are easy to find.  We will also make sure that you have help to find your way around in the first few weeks.


Q: Do you get hurt in science?


A: You will take part in lots of exciting science experiments when you join us at Freebrough.  As long as you listen very carefully to the instructions from your teacher and wear any protective equipment and goggles you are given you will be safe.


Q: How much homework will I get?


A: You will get two pieces of homework from maths, English and science each week.  One will be a short task such as researching something on the internet.  The other will be slightly longer, perhaps practicing a skill you have already learnt in your lesson.  Other subjects may also give homework but you won’t usually have more than 30 minutes per night in Year 7.


Q: How many sports do you do?


A: In Year 7 you will take part in volleyball, outdoor adventure activities, gymnastics, football, rugby, athletics, tennis, rounders and cricket.


Q: How many times a week will I do PE?


A: You will have two PE lessons per week. You can also take part in a large number of after school clubs if you enjoy sports.  All activities are free and we even provide a free bus service to take you home afterwards.


Q: Do you do gluten free food?


A: We can cater for a gluten free diet if you are unable to eat it.  Your parents should discuss your needs with our Francois Erasmus, our chef, and he will ensure that there is always a suitable meal for you.


You can contact Francois on 01287 676305.


Q: What prizes can you win?


A: We really like rewarding our students for having the right attitude to learning.  If you do well in a lesson we might send a postcard home to your parents to tell them about it or we might give them a call.  We also award you with Vivo Points which can be saved up and spent like money on anything from loom bands to gift vouchers.  If you regularly impress us in lessons you could become and ‘Expert Learner’.  If this happens you will be given a special pin badge to wear on your blazer and you will be eligible for lots of rewards and privileges.  We also reward good attendance.  If you have 100% attendance you will be entered into a prize draw in your weekly assembly to win £10.  You also get free treats in our restaurant for good attendance.


Q: What can you do at break and lunchtime?


A: You will have break from 11 am to 11.15 am each day.  This is a good time to have a quick rest, pop to the loo and get a snack from the restaurant if you are peckish.


Lunchtime is from 12.15 pm to 12.45 pm each day.  After eating your lunch you can go outside for a breath of fresh air or catch up with your friends.  You can also stay indoors and watch a movie on our large screen or join one of our many clubs.


Q: Do we go on exciting trips?


A: Yes, you will go on trips with some of your subjects to support your learning.  Sometimes you might also get to go on a trip as a reward for having a good attitude to learning.


Q: Are the teachers nice?


A: All of our teachers are lovely people who will do their very best to make sure you have a good learning experience at Freebrough.  They take part in lots of training to make sure that they are the best they can be.  They plan exciting lessons and activities to make sure that you have fun while you learn.


Q: How will |find my way around?


A: In the first few weeks we will make sure someone helps you to get to lessons but you will learn your way around very quickly.  The Academy is laid out in a very simple way with very clear room numbers.  Remember, if you get lost just stop and ask someone to help you.  We are a very friendly school!


Q: Do we get homework books?


A: You will do lots of different types of homework so you won’t always use a book.  It could be a worksheet, some research or revision using an online package for example.


Q: Will prosthetics club still be on next year?


A: Prosthetics club is very popular and as far as we know it will be continuing next year.  We look forward to seeing you put your creativity to the test by face painting, making fake wounds and applying stage make up.


Q: Are there fun after school clubs?


A: We have lots of really exciting after school activities for you to try.  Here are just a few examples:


-Sporting activities such as netball, football and rounders


-Drama Youth Theatre

-Prosthetics (stage make up, face painting and making fake wounds)




-Pokemon and Minecraft

-Costumes and props

-Archery and outdoor activities

-Fashion club

-Enterprise activities

-Pool club


-Homework support

-Art club


We even provide a free bus service to take you home afterwards!



What Our Year 7 Parents Have Told Us:

94% of parents felt that early transition had helped their child to settle in well or very well

98% of parents felt that early transition had been a worthwhile experience

“My child has enjoyed all aspects of the induction and has made many new friends.”

“Early transition has been the best thing Freebrough have ever done!”

“My child feels less nervous about the transition and is looking forward to September.  She is excited about the work the tutor group is doing and feels like she is already a part of the school.”
“Brilliant! My child has come home animated every day.”
“It’s really helped to build her confidence.”
“We are delighted with Freebrough!”


If you have any concerns during early transition, or when your child joins Freebrough Academy please do not hesitate to contact us.  Click here for more information.