The enterprising spirit of our students helps to raise money for social enterprises

Before Christmas our tutor groups were truly in the enterprising spirit, as they always are. However our winter enterprise challenge this year was a little different. Each tutor group was given a start-up loan of £10 to start a mini enterprise, but rather than aiming to make a profit for themselves this year our tutees aimed to raise funds to help a social cause.
After learning about social enterprise and how important it is, during assemblies we voted for a series of social enterprises that we would want to help. The top 3 social enterprises were Help for Heroes, Macmillan Cancer Support and Save the Children: child refugee crisis appeal.
This week we will be voting on which social enterprise will receive the profits made from our enterprise challenge. We raised a total profit of £351.19 after our loans were paid back. Inspiration was the most enterprising small school this term, making a whopping £215.45 of the £511.19 total revenue. Well done to all of our tutor groups!